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Onco Life Article 13: A cancer survivor gives back...


A cancer survivor gives back to his community by translating a cancer guidebook

A cancer survivor gives back to his community by translating a cancer guidebook

Onco Life Center Media Article 13

A cancer survivor gives back to his community by translating a cancer guidebook


BEING a health conscious person, KT pain was shocked when he was told that he had colorectal cancer five years ago (at the age of 64).

That was probably because he had done everything he possibly could be look after his death. He exercised refrained from smoking and consuming alcohol, and underwent a regular medical examination since he was young.

But then I thought, since I already have this problem, I have to solve it. He says, as we settle down at an outdoor café in the park he visited every morning.

This positive outlook has served him well, however, attributes his survival to the knowledge he has about his disease, and his determination to lead a normal life despite cancer. He went for treatment and continued his daily exercise routine and make sure he ate even though he did not have the appetite.

“ A lot of cancer patients I speak to and their families and shocked when they hear about the diagnosis. They do not know what to do, he says, some of them even think it’s a good as being pronounced dead. Actually, it is not that bad, in most cases cancer can be treated.

His desire to get the message out coincided with an opportunity to do so when he was asked to translate an English cancer guidebook into Chinese. As a lot of information on cancer is available in English, this would help those who only read Chinese get the information they need, he says,

The cancer guidebook took my journal, is a nationwide community service project by The cancer Advocacy Society of Malaysia (Empowered) that served as the resource for cancer patients and survived. Its second edition, now available in English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil, come in the form of personal organizer that allows patients or caregivers to file their report or important articles that they help them in their journey with cancer.

Having had first hard experience with the disease, pain can relate to many of the tips given in the guidebook.  Many of them are the side effects of treatment butt hair loss, ulcers, numbness and the loss of appetite.

However, as everyone is different, he encourages fellow cancer survivor to listen their doctor's advised to take steps to care for themselves.

To this and having good nutrition and exercise is vital, so eating healthy gives the body the nutrition and strength it need to heat and exercise may help reduce the side effect of cancer treatment.

Pang, who does light exercise in every morning (even when he is undergoing treatment) gives an example “if you exercise you don’t feel bad. You don’t have to (strencious) exercise some time, just walking around will do.

When pain was treated for colorectal cancer, only the first edition of the guidebook was available.

Having had first hand experience with cancer, phone (left) can relate to many of the side effects of treatment mentioned in the guidebook, My journal, As he explains some of them, his wife SF man looks on.

However, as he benefited from the information in the book, phone support showed by agreeing to share his history at the launched of the second edition of the guidebook.

I just want to let people know some of the things (that are explained in the book) are usually what cancer patients and their families usually have to go through, he says

While doctors may not have the turn to explain and discuss everything in detail, the patient and their families can make the best of the short consultation by preparing for it.

In the guidebook basic information about the test patients may undergo, the treatment that is available and the effects cancer can have on the personal relationships, for instance can help patients' list down questions to ask their doctors.

Even though journaling may not be every patient way of coping with the physical and emotional demand of cancer, phone says at least the guidebook gives the patient some ideas about their diagnosis and what they can do about it.

In this case knowledge can be a good session for the patient who has to deal with the shock of cancer diagnosis.

My journal second edition is available for the sale at pancai hospital Kuala Lampur, Sunway medical center petailing Jaya, Sabah medical center, Loh guanlye specialist canter Pahang. It can also be purchased directly from EMPOWERD (www.empowered.org.my) for each copy of my journal sold, a copy will be given free to a less fortunate cancer survivor.






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